Friday, June 12, 2009

jim interupted

Finally I get to say a word or two - I have been reading Jim's account of the trip thus far - and I must say for a man who was born during the advent of the abacus he is doing a sterling job. He has lost one pair of spectacles and is now operating with a pair of "over the counter glasses" that are missing one lens. It has not taken him long to look like a local with his one eye closed staring blankly at the computer screen. Khartoum is a hot festering toilet - the heat induces pondo feaver the instant you step out of the air con comfort of the hotel room.We are steadying up after a ridiculous day on the bike yesterday which saw us cross half the country in heat that can only be compared to a hairdryer "on highest setting" blowing for hours into your face. No bullshit. Our hotel "The Sahara" is better than camping - I was eaten alive next to the Nile by insects that were so small they could not be seen let alone killed.. Justins imported Mozzie spray seemed to encourage their appetite. Justin has vowed not to let us camp again - making a lot of sense.
The desert and Egypt are behind us and I must say not the sort of place you can spend too much time. I guess summer in the desert is a pretty hard place and the rally suits we ride in might add to safety but they are pretty stifling. Ethiopia is down the drag and offers cold beers (unavailable in Sudan) and a cooler climate which will be most welcome.
The team is in good spirits and the machines are running sweetly. The budget is getting severly dented by Justin and me continuously trying to find nice hotels - Jim is out voted and never seems too upset to find a clean loo and pillow. Why suffer unneccesarily ; we know we are tough so why have to prove it.
Thoughts from North Africa:
Running shoes and yoga charts don't get used . The goat / camel has been tasty. Coke tastes better at 44 degrees. Never take your toilet for granted or wear flip flops to an eastern toilet.
This is Marky Sparky signing off from "ourbucketlist" - Khartoum


  1. Well done chaps sounds,like you are all doing well.
    Mark: I suspect that the abacus guy is the only thing keeping you two heading south. Better find him some new glasses!

    Suck the marrow

  2. Sparky sounds like you guys need to toughen up and get out of the 5 star hotels. This is Africa! Get into the bush and start using them yoga charts.


    Glad to hear you're doing well. Take care
